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5 Tips For New Pet Parents (Sponsored content from Alex Sanders)

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Sponsored content from Alex Sanders

Wednesday June 7 2023, 2:37pm

Congrats on your new pet! While this is an exciting time, you may also feel a bit anxious. Sure, pets aren't humans. But they are just as important as any family member, and you want to make sure they’re happy and healthy. Pets can take a lot of work, but don't let that stress you out. Instead, use the tips below to help you prepare and improve. From how to pet-proof your home to how to keep your fur baby healthy, here are five tips every new pet parent needs:

Do you need to pick up your new pet from a breeder? For many pet parents, finding time to transport their new family members is challenging. Maybe you can't take time off from work, or maybe you just don't have the means to travel so far. Regardless of the reasons, you can opt to use a pet transport service.

Being able to use a pet transport company is a game-changer. And all you have to do is sign up! Once that's done, you create a listing describing your pet, where they are located, and where they’re going. Then, you have access to available drivers, and you can read their reviews to choose who you trust to transport your furry friend.

Once you find a driver you like, you’ll be connected with them and can move on from there. Additionally, you’ll be able to communicate with your driver in real-time while they transport your pet. Using a trusted pet transport company takes away the stress and hassle of getting your new pet to its forever home. This kind of service can also be helpful if you’re moving.

Make sure your home is ready before your new pet arrives. To do that, spend time walking around your house to see if there are any potential hazards. Do you store your cleaning products in a bin on the floor? Do you have wires lying around? If so, you may want to re-think that, as those things are easy for your pet to get into — and potentially consume or destroy.

If you’re getting a puppy or kitten, remember that they are just a baby and still need to be trained. Set them up for success and store your belongings in cabinets that are out of their reach. Also, make sure you have their necessities in clear sight. Whether that's a puppy pad or a litter box, don't hide those away. The more visible, the more likely your fur baby will use it!

In addition to putting things away, double-check whether the items in your home are pet-friendly. For instance, you may love your plants, but some plants are highly poisonous. Did you know that while beautiful, lilies can cause serious kidney damage in cats? It's important to note, not all plants are dangerous. But it's a good idea to research the ones in your home to double-check.

This may come as a surprise, but a lot of pet food is unhealthy. That's because many commercially available dog and cat food is made with what's known as "feed-grade" ingredients.

Feed-grade ingredients are of lower quality than human-grade ingredients, which are strictly monitored to ensure edibility and cleanliness. If your pet's food is lower-quality than human-grade ingredients, that's a problem. Additionally, feed-grade ingredients also contain chemicals and toxins that could be harmful to your pet.

To keep your pet healthy, introduce a diet of fresh dog food made with whole-food-based ingredients. For example, you could make them a bowl with pieces of lean protein, like chicken, cooked rice, and mixed vegetables. If possible, avoid dry and canned food (including treats). However, if you have to opt for dry/wet food look for ones with natural preservatives and human-grade ingredients.

Pets are just like humans — they like having a routine. It gives them a sense of balance, so they know what to expect throughout the day. Pets are creatures of habit. Without a schedule, they can start to feel anxious, which can cause them to act out. You don't want that, and neither does your pet. So do your best to create and follow a schedule every day.

Instead of feeding your pet at different times each day, stick to the same time. For example, you can give them their first meal before you start work and their second when you return. If you end up hiring a dog walker in the afternoon, make sure they come around the same time each day as well. Having a consistent wake-up and bedtime is also important.

While creating a routine for your pet might sound silly, it’ll pay off in the long run. In fact, schedules can have a positive impact on a pet's mental health and lead to a happier life.

You want your pet to live a long and happy life, right? The best way to do that is to keep them at a healthy weight. Just like humans, being overweight can lead to a host of health issues. To avoid that for your pet, watch their weight.

When you take your new pet to the vet, ask what their baseline weight should be as they enter adulthood. Then, do your best to keep your pet within that range. That might mean switching up their diet so it's filled with whole foods or introducing more physical activity. There are many ways for your pet to stay active and healthy, but a lot of it is in your control.

As a pet owner, you’re responsible for feeding your pet and taking them out for walks. Unfortunately, many people are too busy to always make time to be active with their fur babies. Chances are, you spend the majority of your day working, studying, or taking care of your kids. But it's important to make your pet a priority. If you can't, consider asking a friend or hiring a pet sitter. There are many apps available, like Rover, that connect pet parents with pet lovers who will take care of your fur baby.

Getting a new pet is an exciting time for you and your little fur baby. And thankfully, the tips above can help make sure you’re equipped to give your pet the world.

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