

Dec 25, 2023

A Beginner's Guide to AMRAP Workouts

CrossFit's workouts of the day (WODs) have taken their fair share of criticism over the years, usually for being too gung-ho.

You may have heard of the notorious "Angie," which demands 100 pull-ups, 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups and 100 air squats — in order. Trainees can't start the next round of reps until they’ve finished the last. I finished it once, but couldn't lift my arms above my head for a week.

Being mindful of load and limits, though, CrossFit intensity isn't all that bad. It's important to push yourself to your max heart rate while strength training, from time to time, and CrossFit figured out a way to gamify otherwise boring gym-class calisthenics.

One tenet to add to your training? AMRAP workouts. The acronym stands for "As Many Reps/Rounds As Possible," and can turn a deceptively simple workout into an absolute gut-buster in a hurry. The essence of the scheme is to perform a series of moves to failure (or, at least, as many times/as long as you can without your form going down the toilet).

This is the sort of workout you don't want to do too often, and you reserve for a day you’re waking up feeling right. We designed a full bodyweight circuit for you below, replete with a mix of familiar moves, plyometrics and a bit of shadow-boxing.

A training blueprint for those with zero plans of actually climbing Everest

This workout can be done anywhere and doesn't require any equipment:

An intermediate to advanced-level trainee would aim to complete around five to eight rounds within a 20-minute time frame. But remember, the goal isn't to rush through the workout — instead, try to lose yourself in the effort. The hallmarks of an effective AMRAP workout are (a) steady pace, (b) minimized rest and (c) clean, controlled form.

Feel free to tinker with these moves, too. For instance: if you find the tuck jumps too challenging at first, you can modify them by doing a squat followed by a small hop. As you get stronger and more comfortable, gradually work towards the full tuck jump movement.

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The Workout: AMRAP in 20 minutes 10 Burpees: 15 Air Squats: 30 Jab-Cross Combos (15 each side): 20 Mountain Climbers 25 Tuck Jumps: Thanks for reading InsideHook. Sign up for our daily newsletter and be in the know.